First Baptist Church of Tellico Village
Monday, April 1st, 2013 | Uncategorized | No Comments
2013 Concert Series
We invite you to join us in celebrating life through a series of free events. This series is a gift to you, an absolutely free gift for your enjoyment and inspiration! (No love offering will be taken.) Come and enjoy our facilities, meet our people, and be inspired by the music. We especially want you to be our guest for refreshments following our April 7th concert.
Will Thomas, Concert Artist
Allen Quantum Q370 Organ Dedication Concert
Sunday, April 7, at 6:00 p.m.
A native of the Middle Tennessee area, Will Thomas began keyboard studies at Middle Tennessee State University at the age of 13 under the instruction of Dr. Polly Brecht. With organ as his primary instrument, Mr. Thomas gained extensive experience as a church organist throughout his high school years. His first appointment came his senior year, at which time he was studying with Dr. Michael Velting at Christ Church Cathedral in Nashville, Tennessee. He became the organist for St. Augustine’s Episcopal Chapel on the campus of Vanderbilt University.
Later, Mr. Thomas began his undergraduate studies at The Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University in Bloomington, studying with renowned organist Marilyn Keiser. However, to be closer to home, he transferred to Carson-Newman College in Jefferson City, Tennessee, where he earned a Bachelor of Music Degree in Sacred Music studying with Dr. J. Ryan Garber. Subsequently, he earned a Master of Music degree in Organ Performance at the University of Tennessee–Knoxville, where he studied with Professor John Brock.
An active concert organist, past performances have taken Mr. Thomas to several venues in the middle and eastern parts of Tennessee as well as North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New York City, Indiana, and Florida. The past two summers he has been a selected artist performing for the annual organ academy at The Church of the Ascension, Episcopal, in New York City. There he received thorough coaching from Dr. Jon Gillock, a former Juilliard coach, and Dr. Dennis Keene, a former Manhattan School of Music coach, in French Classical and French Romantic organ literature on the new Manton Memorial Pipe Organ.
This August he will move to Tucson, Arizona and begin work on a Doctoral of Musical Arts Degree at the University of Arizona, where he is the recipient of a full tuition based scholarship as well as a teaching assistantship. In Arizona, Mr. Thomas will study with acclaimed organist and composer Dr. Pamela Decker.
A reception will follow the concert in the fellowship hall.
Roane Choral Society
Monday, April 22, at 7:00 p.m.
Roane Choral Society, numbering approximately 50 men and women, enjoys the personal growth and satisfaction that comes from active participation in a performing arts organization. Roane Choral Society is celebrating its 40th anniversary, having performed classical and popular music in East Tennessee since 1972. RCS annually presents a season of three concerts each year.
Eugene Hattaway is in his fourth season as Music Director/Conductor for Roane Choral Society. He is also Minister of Music at the First Baptist Church of Tellico Village, founder and director of the WhiteStone Singers, Orchestra/Choir Director of Knoxville Nativity Pageant, and Assistant Conductor of The CenturyMen. Previously, Mr. Hattaway was Minister of Music at the First Baptist Church of Knoxville, Tennessee, where he served for 25 years.
Mr. Hattaway is passionate about providing unparalleled musicianship, artistry, enjoyment, and community involvement to Roane Choral Society. His talent and experience promise to bring a richness to the choral experience for both singers and listeners.
First Baptist Church of Tellico Village
205 Chota Road
Loudon, TN 37774
(865) 408-0110