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Garage Flooring: Make Sure It’s Durable

Saturday, April 8th, 2017 | Uncategorized | No Comments

East TN Mountain ViewsGarage remodeling is currently the fastest-growing segment of the home-improvement industry. It’s a separate room – and often the largest room in the house – that is not only a place to park a car, but can be used for various purposes: A workshop, warehouse, kids’ toy storage, or simply a place to hangout.

To give a garage a finished look and make it a more user-friendly space that’s easy to clean, renovations usually include a floor coating. While there are a few flooring options, the decision usually comes down to a choice between a standard epoxy or PremierOne’s polyurea coating, developed and installed by PremierGarage.

Do-it-yourself epoxy kits are widely available and easy to work with. The down side is many things can go wrong while applying the coating. The epoxy may not set properly or have a weak bond to the concrete, and it takes a long time for the epoxy to dry and bond to the floor. And while the cost of epoxy is initially less expensive, epoxy also quickly delaminates when a vehicle’s hot tires bond to the surface and peels it away from the concrete.

“There have been many improvements in coating technology during the past 20 years, and the preferred garage flooring is our polyurea coating,” explained Brain Falls, co-owner of PremierGarage of Knoxville. “Polyurea is a hard wearing coating that’s widely specified in commercial settings where failure is not an option and floors are designed to last the test of time.”

For the longest lasting concrete floor coating in the market, company technicians diamond-grind the floor to the ideal surface condition to achieve a permanent chemical bond. Other primary benefits of PremierGarage’s professionally installed flooring coating over epoxy is:
» Superior finish that cures two times harder, eliminating unsightly marks, peeling, or blistering from hot tires and abrasions
» Chemical, UV, stain, and slip-resistant
» Commercial-grade product that is guaranteed for 10 years
» Easy to clean

Available in a variety of colors, the flooring system is also perfect for concrete flooring in basements, front porches, and retail stores.

Call PremierGarage and discover the affordability of transforming your garage floor. Home really does begin in the garage!


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