East Tennessee's Mountain Views

East Tennessee's Mountain Views

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P.O. Box 209

Vonore, TN 37885


The Show Must Go On

Tuesday, May 4th, 2021 | Uncategorized | No Comments

After being forced to table all live fashion show activities for almost a year, The Lily Pad is delighted to let you know that we are resuming our successful service to your club, group or other organization, starting now! We are proud of the way our crew weathered the storm with virtual and zoom responses to the Pandemic, but there is nothing like real live interaction with you, our friends and supporters. So we are excited to start taking bookings to share fashion trends to live audiences, while helping your organization raise funds, or just for entertainment. And, as always, the event comes to you free of charge!

Models from your group are fitted by our staff in Lily Pad fashions, showcasing the most wonderfully diverse looks, direct from the store. Usually 8-10 models will showcase 3-4 outfits each, complete with accessories, and we provide the commentary and transport the fashions to your venue. These are the same outfits we purchase for each season, by personally attending markets to buy the latest, most fashionable merchandise for our customers at our store and through our Internet sales.

We love this opportunity to give back to our surrounding areas in this way, providing these events to your groups. For 4 decades and several generations, The Lily Pad has produced fund-raising fashion shows from Knoxville to Chattanooga and everywhere in between. Most organizations sell tickets for between $15 to $25 or $50 to raise money for your particular cause. You select your models and we’ll take it from there, reaching out to set up their fitting times and handling all the details.

Most groups include a light lunch on the show date, often with door prizes donated by your local merchants, who are happy for the opportunity to be affiliated with your charity or organization. We hope you will join us in the trouble-free and profitable event in the near future. We know we can plan all our previous hosts to grab a date immediately, and hope to meet many new groups now that the events are resuming. Dates will fill up quickly, so if you want to discuss details, ask questions, or book your date for a day of fashion and fun, call The Lily Pad now.

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East Tennessee's Mountain Views

P.O. Box 209

Vonore, TN 37885

Email: inquiry@etmv.com

865-657-3077 Local

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