Foothills Craft Guild
Thursday, October 3rd, 2019 | Uncategorized | No Comments
Who We Are

The Foothills Craft Guild, Inc. (FCG) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization chartered in 1968 in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, to promote fine crafts by (1) setting high standards of creativity and excellence of execution for a variety of handcrafts, (2) providing demonstrations, scholarships, and education about fine craft for people of all ages, and (3) promoting the sale of fine crafts. FCG is the oldest member craft guild in the state of Tennessee and has earned a reputation nationwide as one of the best in the Southeast region.
What We Do
The Foothills Craft Guild was created to:
» Encourage the development and appreciation of arts and handcrafts of all types.
» Promote high standards of workmanship in handcrafts.
» Conduct educational programs on handcrafts with all ages.
» Sponsor handcraft shows and demonstrations.
» Engage in activities which contribute to the advancement, development, and appreciate of arts and handcrafts of all kinds.
Our Vision
FCG is excited about the future of fine craft and will continue to set standards that encourage artisans to take advantage of new technologies and techniques to design and create works of beauty. We are dedicated to expanding our educational activities about fine crafts and creating strategic partnerships to encourage the continuation of fine craft. We will continue to provide a variety of opportunities for the demonstration and sale of fine crafts. Instrumental in continuing our growth, we have hired our first ever Co-Executive Directors, Karen Massey and Elizabeth Thomas, of Kreative Events, LLC.
Upcoming Show
Tennessee Showcase of Fine Artisans will be heldNovember 1-3, with more than 140 artisans and local authors. Tickets are $7 cash and $8 credit card for adults. Children 12 and under receive free admission.
Foothills Craft Guild