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How Paintless Dent Repair Works

Thursday, October 2nd, 2014 | Uncategorized | No Comments

ETMV Knoxville TN

Although popular for a decade or more, paintless dent removal, or PDR, is unknown to most automobile owners. But the more drivers become familiar with PDR, the more they appreciate its many advantages – particularly the savings.

So just what is PDR? It’s a craft where a highly skilled and experienced technician gently removes dents and dings from your automobile’s exterior without removing the paint. Thanks in large part to the high-tech paints applied at the factory, today’s paints offer a degree of flexibility that makes PDR such an attractive alternative to the conventional repairs performed at most body shops.

With PDR, the savings mount up quickly. The typical estimate from a body shop to repair a minor dent ranges from $350 to $500 and even higher. That’s in addition to losing the use of your vehicle for three to five days and the cost and inconvenience of a rental car should one be needed.

At Advantage PDR, small dents and dings can usually be repaired in several hours or less and at a savings of hundreds of dollars. But the real advantage offered by Advantage PDR goes far beyond both the cost and time savings. It means that your automobile’s surface will look like it did when it left the showroom. You’ve got Advantage PDR’s unconditional guarantee on that.

It also means that there was no grinding required, fillers or primers used, and that you’ve still got your car’s original factory paint in place. Trying as hard as they can, it’s difficult for a body shop to perfectly match your automobile’s original factory paint color or application processes. That’s why it’s so important to retain your original factory paint.

So whether your goal is to keep your car’s factory showroom look, or perhaps you’re considering trading it in or selling it outright, Advantage PDR can give you the real advantage by helping you maintain your vehicle’s value by maintaining its appearance – all while saving you time and money.

Advantage Paintless Dent Removal
211 Center Park Drive, Building A
Knoxville, TN 37922
(865) 804-4534

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