“The Lily Pad Boutique is celebrating its 33rd year in business so advertising is nothing new to us. What is new, however, is East Tennessee’s Mountain Views’ approach to advertising by incorporating information along with the ads. This enables us to keep our customers better informed monthly of new ideas and happenings in our business as well as our town.
Both Tom and Judy Irmen are masters at what they do. Marketing, creating, inquiring and supporting are second nature as they promote this area they’ve chosen as their home.
Thanks Tom, Judy and staff for your positive approach to advertising.”
Brenda Bryan
The Lily Pad Boutique
209 N. Main St.
Sweetwater, TN 37874
“The business of selling homes is ‘big business’ in East Tennessee’s Tellico Lake area! So many different people are coming from all over the world to Tellico Lake. Reaching these people has been a challenge made much easier since discovering East Tennessee’s Mountain Views. It is not just the publication itself that makes getting pertinent information to people all over, but also the people themselves that are the greatest value.
I first began advertising with ETMV in 2000-2001 and since the onset of the publication I have been more than pleased with the results! As a matter of fact, I know that many of my current listings have come direct from Mountain Views advertising. It does not please me for other Realtors to know this, as I have had the ‘best kept secret’ for my prospecting endeavors for all this time! You would never know by looking at this first class, professionally produced publication that it is a ‘family owned, family run’ business. Everyone knows the proprietor, Tom Irmen, the minute he walks in a door by his pleasant smile and friendly manner.
The ‘guts’ of the publication or the behind the scenes people are absolutely the best! A simple call or email to Judy Irmen is usually all it takes to find out instantly the answer to whatever question you may have. I know when I ask for something great…it will actually turn out magnificent! So keep up the great work, and I’ll continue to list and sell homes from East Tennessee’s Mountain Views!”
Karen Millikan
On The Lake Realty